A resume is a paper document which a person use to sell themselves to companies in a better way. So, can you tolerate any mistake in those document? Of course not. So, here are some errors you need to avoid in your resume.
1) Avoid grammatical errors, abbreviation and misspelling of words in your resume.
2) No one would love to read a 10-page resume. Make it compact and effective.
3) Never forget to mention the keywords for the job you have applied.
4) Lack of clarity of skills and achievements. Put on the relevant skills for the post of a particular job.
5) Inappropriate email ID can down a job offer for you. So, you better use your name or birthdate.
6) The irrelevant objective can prove to be resume killer.
7) You should know the word limit for a resume
8) Never use present tense for the past job.
9) Skip out the personal pronouns. Because everybody knows the resume is all about you.
10) Never ever, try to list those things that you even don’t know. Recruiters are smart and they can judge anyone within seconds.
So, next time you apply for the job then makes sure that your resume doesn’t contain any of these errors. All the best.