Directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Altaf Dadasaheb Shaikh, Karmayogi Abasaheb continues to gain recognition on the international film circuit, receiving accolades at prestigious festivals both in India and abroad. The film has won several awards for its sharp dialogues, compelling screenplay, and captivating narrative, keeping audiences engaged and driving its impressive box office success.
Boasting a stellar cast of 28 talented actors from both the Hindi and Marathi film industries, Karmayogi Abasaheb is complemented by a mesmerizing soundtrack composed by the celebrated Avadhoot Gupte. The filmâs sound mixing and mastering were expertly handled by Hollywood professionals, further enhancing its cinematic quality.
Released nationwide, including in Maharashtra, the film has deeply resonated with audiences, offering both entertainment and a powerful social message. It pays tribute to the late Bhai Ganpatrao Deshmukh, an 11-time MLA and two-time Cabinet Minister, whose 55-year journey in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, focused on selfless social service, forms the heart of the story.
In addition to its critical success, Karmayogi Abasaheb has achieved remarkable commercial success, grossing â¹28.41 crore within just five weeks of its release. Further solidifying its place in cinematic history, the film has been officially selected for the prestigious Sydney Lif Off Film festival Film Festival 2024.